We bought many gallons of the Woodrich warm honey timber oil last fall and had to store it safely in the basement over the winter, having run out of good weather (our western red cedar deck was finished just before the snow). This spring, stone work was being done so we had to do the step kick plates fairly quickly since they'd be tougher to reach once stone was laid. We followed instructions while testing the timber oil on the 3 cedar fence boards to be used as step backing. We watched the results for several days and it seemed okay (although a lot more orange in tint than expected) so the 3 boards were installed. Two weeks later, a decent rain came & caused the timber oil to run colour all over our brand new stonework. Now it's a major panic to find out if the permacon stone can be cleaned (incredibly, about 15' square was affected) but we obviously can't use this product on the rest of the deck ... if it runs in the rain?? We've sent a question to the vendor about what to do but I thought I'd share with this forum ... any idea what could have gone wrong? Is it possible we have a bad batch? The temperature at the time was well within prescribed range, and the wood had been treated using Restore-a-Deck. The boards now look to be almost drained of colour, by the way, since it's run all over the stone patio 😕
A close-up of the mess ... not sure what we did wrong 🙁
Timber Oil is a non-drying oil. Since oil and water do not mix together it should not come out of the wood once absorbed. If it did "wash" away than I would suspect that it did not absorb. Might be related to how you prepped the wood?
On a side note, we have used this product to remove sealer stain spills form concrete and bricks:
Good luck!
Thanks for the link! There's a product available locally that is at least for sure safe on the Permacon stones, so we'll probably start with that, but we'll see if we can get tbe EaCo Chem stuff next if that doesn't work. (Here's what we're trying: http://www.permacon.ca/product/landscaping-permapro/permapro-oil-and-grease-cleaner)
I've contacted the manufacture of the Timber Oil for help.. I am worried that the preparation step went badly, since we weren't happy with how the wood looked after following the Restore-a-Deck directions. As you can see in the picture above, the result was chalky white-ish - most definitely *not* the fresh new wood look advertised lol. Still, I had also sanded these pieces of wood pre-oiling so it should have been okay?
thanks! will post if I hear anything helpful from the manufacturer..