-See this about hardwood decks and stains to use: -No need to stain the framing. Leave as is. -No need to tape the joists. -We have no experi...
@blondinadvisedgmail-com One potential issue with paraffin-based oils like Cutek and Ready Seal is that they never dry or cure. They can rub off and d...
Looks like mold. Wait until spring, prep, and stain. It will come off.
You will be fine.
@keebo Sorry, but I have no idea how to fix this. Never seen this happen.
Sorry, but I'm not sure how to fix it. It is internal discoloration for your IPE hardwood. It may be Lapachol but not sure what will remove it. You ca...
@keebo Send pictures of the wood when dry.
Probably not.
Strip and brighten for prep. Look at the Restore A Deck Kits for prep. Stain with a penetrating semi-transparent stain. Try Armstrong Clark or Restore...
That means it is a stain, not a sealer. Sealers are clear. If it has color in it, then it is considered a stain. You should use a deck cleaner, and th...
No, there is not a way to lighten what was applied. You would have to remove all and start over if you want a lighter color. If you want to lighten wh...
Sand all wood with 60 grit. After, use a deck cleaner and then a wood brightener. Apply 1 coat of a penetrating deck stain.
Do you realize that sealing wood offers no UV protection? It must have a color if you want UV protection from graying:/p>
You did not fully remove all the gray oxidation. You could go over it one more time with cleaning if you like, or you could sand it all. Staining it a...
No, leave as is. Filler will not work: